
Three Island Circuit

Falkland Islands

October 16 to 25, 2025
Cost: $6,450
Leader: Scott Davis
Group Size: 8
Days: 7

Safari Overview

Visit three different islands, the best of Patagonia and Antarctica combined into one trip, to see penguins, albatross, seals, and more. Trek through the most diverse wildlife habitats in the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas). Take in the abundant seabird colonies of the western Falklands including gentoo, king, and rockhopper penguins. Explore Sea Lion Island, the most species-rich site in all the Falklands with time to watch South American sea lions and observe orcas patrolling for unwary southern elephant seals. Witness Magellanic penguins as they ride the surf into the beach and then waddle to their underground burrows. Bleaker and Volunteer Point on East Falkland Island round out this Falklands wildlife experience.


  • Visit three diverse islands: Sea Lion, Bleaker, and East Falkland Islands.
  • See four penguin species, including the largest accessible king penguin colony outside of South Georgia along the turquoise waters of Volunteer Point.



Itinerary Updated: May 2024

Print Trip
Date Description Lodge Meals
Oct 16 Travel to Punta Arenas, Chile.
Oct 17 Arrive in Punta Arenas. Hotel Cabo de Hornos, Punta Arenas, Chile
Oct 18-20 Fly to Stanley, Falkland Islands, and then fly to Sea Lion Island. Enjoy the most wildlife-diverse island in the Falklands. Sea Lion Lodge B, L, D
Oct 21-22 Fly to Bleaker Island. Spend a full day exploring Bleaker Island’s rockhopper penguins, imperial cormorants, and waterfowl. Bleaker Island Lodge B, L, D
Oct 23-24 Explore Bleaker Island before flying to Stanley for city tour and museum visit. Then take a full day excursion to Volunteer Point. The Malvina House Hotel, Stanley B, L, D
Oct 25 Continue on to our South Georgia and Antarctic Peninsula trip by boarding the ship in Stanley.

Our Trip Leaders

Scott Davis

Scott, co-owner and co-CEO of Cheesemans’ Ecology Safaris, is an expert wildlife, nature, and travel photographer. Trained as a wildlife and marine biologist, he's explored all seven continents for research and photography. National Geographic, BBCAnimal PlanetNY Times, and other prestigious publications have featured his inspiring work. Scott's passion for teaching and talent for capturing the essence of his subjects make him a highly sought-after tour leader.

Detailed Itinerary

A glimpse into our journey

Travel to Punta Arenas, Chile

Oct 16

Arrive in Punta Arenas

Oct 17

Our local agent will transfer you from the airport to the hotel when you arrive. Enjoy the day to rest or explore this quaint city. If you would like to arrive earlier, we can arrange extra hotel nights and an earlier airport transfer.

Fly to Falkland Islands, then fly to and explore Sea Lion Island

Oct 18-20

Elephant Seal
© Scott Davis

Pick up your packed lunch at the hotel before you are transferred to the airport to take the once-weekly flight from Punta Arenas to Mount Pleasant Airport in Stanley, Falkland Islands (not included in trip cost). Upon arrival, our local operator will greet you and transport you to your flight to Sea Lion Island.

Sea Lion Island is one of the smallest in the Falklands archipelago (five miles long and just over one mile wide at its widest point) and the most southerly-inhabited island. The sheer abundance of wildlife makes it a must on any Falklands itinerary. Sea Lion Island hosts over 47 bird species, including breeding rockhopper, gentoo, and Magellanic penguins; you will be graced by some of the 2,800 breeding pairs of gentoo penguins courting and laying eggs and scatterings of southern giant-petrels. Tussac plantations cover one fifth of the island and are alive with Falkland thrushes and black-throated finches. Five bird of prey species, including the internationally endangered striated caracara, also call the island home. The large number of southern elephant seals that breed here on the island’s spectacular beaches are a favorite attraction, including at the appropriately named white sandy shoreline of Elephant Corner. South American (or southern) sea lions are found at East Loafers, and pods of orcas are also often seen circling close offshore (usually a treat for the early risers) attracted by the prospect of penguins and seals.

Fly to and explore Bleaker Island

Oct 21-22

Tussock Grass and Gentoo Penguins
© Jennifer Black

You’ll spend your time on Bleaker hiking along this small, wildlife-rich island, including Long Gulch, which is just one of several dramatic inlets in the rocky cliffs. The top of the cliff is bordered with tussock grass where about 9,000 pairs of imperial (king) cormorants group together alongside a colony of about 750 pairs of rockhopper penguins- a Bleaker Island highlight. Other highlights you may experience are a gentoo penguin highway, Magellanic penguin burrows dotted across the island, and waterfowl including the rare flying steamer duck at Big Pond.

Fly to Stanley for city tour and museum visit and full day excursion to Volunteer Point

Oct 23-24

Magellanic Penguins
© Scott Davis

Bid the outer islands farewell and return to Stanley (the timing of your charter flight depends on weather and flight schedules). With 2,000 people, Stanley is the smallest and most remote capital city in the world. The city is built on a north-facing slope to catch sunlight throughout the year and looks across Stanley Harbor with its wealth of seabirds and trickle of shipping boats. Stanley is associated with the great age of sailing, when rounding Cape Horn was the most daunting nautical passage on the planet. Some of those ships still lie in the harbor, abandoned after a Cape Horn battering. You may take a self-guided Maritime History Trail and find guidebooks in local shops. Stanley depicts a new vibrant Falklands and is home to many successful businesses, with deep-sea fishing, tourism, farming, and most recently oil prospecting being the principal earners.

The following morning depart Stanley for a full-day excursion. After a roughly 2.5-hr drive by Land Rover, you’ll arrive at the white, sandy beach and turquoise waters of Volunteer Point, a destination with almost a Caribbeanesque feel to it, but the king, gentoo, and Magellanic penguins will bring you back to the Falklands. As a warm-up to the journey ahead, discover the largest accessible king penguin colony in the Islands, outside of South Georgia, containing approximately 1,000 adults. You may also find other wildlife such as long-tailed meadowlarks, austral thrush, South American snipe, South American tern, blackish and Magellanic oystercatchers, and upland, kelp, and ruddy-headed geese. Enjoy the spectacular scenery as you traverse the north of East Falkland.

Continue on to South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula

Oct 25

Enjoy a free morning before joining the rest of your travelmates and expedition staff as you board the Plancius in the afternoon to enjoy some appetizers and embark on our South Georgia and Antarctic Peninsula trip.

Cost & Payments

Costs (in US$)

Type Cost Per Person
Extension Cost, double occupancy $6,450
Single Supplement $1,040

Costs are per person, double occupancy, not including airfare (except for three internal flights), singles extra. See Included and Not Included sections for more details.

If you are a single traveler, we will try to find a roommate for you, but if we cannot pair you with a roommate, we may charge you a single supplement. Single rooms cost extra and are subject to availability.

Payment Schedule

Payment Due Date Amount Per Person
Payment is due with your main trip’s final payment; see its trip itinerary for details.


Cancellations are non-transferrable. No refunds are given after the Final Payment due date.


  • Carbon offsets for the duration of this trip.
  • All leaders, transport, landing fees, and permits for all activities unless described as optional.
  • Three internal flights.
  • Accommodations for the nights of October 17 through October 24.
  • Meals from breakfast on October 18 through lunch on October 25.
  • Transfers from the Punta Arenas Airport to Hotel Cabo de Hornos, regardless of arrival day, and from Hotel Cabo de Hornos to the Punta Arenas Airport on October 18.

Not Included

  • Carbon offsets for your flights to/from this trip.
  • Passport and visa fees.
  • We can arrange extra hotel nights in Punta Arenas for an extra cost.
  • Gratuities – tipping is always discretionary. However, we suggest budgeting about $150 total per participant for the lodge staff, drivers, and local guides throughout the trip.
  • Mandatory emergency evacuation insurance.
  • Optional trip cancellation insurance.
  • Items of a personal nature such as laundry, telephone calls, medical costs or hospitalization, room service, alcoholic and other beverages, items not on the regular menu, etc. If you have special dietary needs, please indicate them on your Traveler Reservation Form.


Daytime temperatures are generally 40 to 50°F (4 to 10°C) with almost constant wind. All four seasons can be experienced in one day with on and off rain. Prepare with a degree of flexibility in mind and know proper outdoor clothing is imperative.

Fitness Level

This trip requires the ability to hike moderate distances, perhaps up to three miles, with small elevation gains on slightly rolling or hilly, grass or dirt terrain, and some beach walking on sand. You must be able to get into and out of a Land Rover. Please contact us if you have any health concerns that may make this trip challenging.


Unless listed as included, airfare is not included in trip costs. Cheesemans’ books the once-weekly October 18 flight from Punta Arenas, Chile (PUQ) to Mount Pleasant, Falkland Islands (MPN) and we add the cost to your final trip balance. Detailed logistical information is included in the Trip Planning Materials we will send you.

Flights you book

  • Arrive in Punta Arenas, Chile (PUQ) by 11:59pm on October 17.
  • Depart from Ushuaia, Argentina (USH) after 12:00pm on November 13.

Flights we book

  • The one-way flight from Punta Arenas, Chile (PUQ) to Mount Pleasant, Falkland Islands on October 18; we’ll add the final cost to your trip balance. Important: If you make your own arrangements, you must contact us before the final payment date so we can cancel your seat on the flight. If you alert us later, you will be responsible for flight cancellation fees.
  • Three internal flights are included in the trip cost. Important: the flights within the Falkland Islands have a very strict luggage weight allowance of 20kg (44lbs) total. This means that you will need to pack light for the Falkland Islands Extension, but you may leave larger bags with our transfer agent upon arrival in the Falklands to be transferred to the Malvina House Hotel on October 23.




Don’t let a fear of motion sickness keep you away! Motion sickness is usually not an issue, but you do fly on small aircraft. Even those who have experienced motion sickness reported that the incredible wildlife and overall experience were well worth the temporary discomfort. If you are susceptible to motion sickness on small planes or are concerned that you might be, please come prepared! The key to avoiding motion sickness is to act before you experience nausea. Do your own research and consult your doctor before taking any medications. Find more information on our Coping with Seasickness webpage (this information is applicable to any form of motion sickness) and contact us if you have any questions.


You’ll travel by bus, Land Rover, and small plane.


Our company ethos has always regarded conservation as inseparable from responsible tourism. We struggle with the dilemma that traveling worldwide expends climate-changing carbon. However, we wholeheartedly believe that traveling with us will cultivate your passion for conserving our beautiful world while stimulating each destination’s local economy. We encourage you to explore the various ways in which Cheesemans’ operates within this context:

  • Cheesemans’ Trips are Carbon Neutral.
  • Offsetting your Travel to/from our Trip: We ask you to pledge to offset the carbon emissions for your travel to and from our trips. You can purchase offsets with most airlines (Delta includes them automatically), use our handy carbon calculator and donate to Sustainable Travel International, or contribute to your favorite offsetting organization.


Read our current Terms and Conditions.